Friday, November 27, 2009

Ngeblog Dapat Jutaan Rupah, Mau?

Mendapatkan uang jutaan rupiah melalui blog ??? siapa yang ga mau seperti itu. Selain traffik di blog berlimpah oleh pengunjung, ditambah menghasilkan uang perbulan yang angkanya fantastis yang bisa bikin bola mata keluar :) . tak heran hal itu merupakan impian dasar bagi blogger-blogger yang memang bertujuan ngeblog untuk mencari uang atau bahasa kerennya sekarang "blogger Matre" (Sok ngasih-ngasih julukan Mode ON hihi..). Tapi apakah untuk mencapai tujuan itu segampang membalikkan tangan ???

kita bisa lihat para master-master terdahulu yang sudah sukses dengan blognya maupun bisnis online yang sudah menghasilkan jutaan rupiah ke kantongnya, hal itu mereka dapatkan tidak secara instan tanpa kerja keras tapi memerlukan usaha dan waktu yang tidak sedikit sebagai langkah awal. Terbukti hal itu sangat sepadan dengan hasil kerja keras mereka dengan imbalan uang berjuta-juta ke kantongnya (Kapan yah saya bisa kayak gitu..hihi) :D nah kebanyakan dari kita hanya melihat dari tingkat setelah mereka sukses. seharusnya kita bisa belajar bagaimana perjuangan mereka sebelum mencapai tingkat kesuksesan seperti sekarang. jadi kita bisa mengambil ilmu mereka sebelum dan sesudah sukses.
lah jadi apa intinya kalau mau mendapatkan uang jutaan rupiah melalui blog kayak master-master gitu ??? sabar.... hihi :D menurut analisa saya sih seperti ini yang bisa saya tangkap dari master-master terdahulu yang sudah duluan sukses (mudahan berikutnya saya..wkwkwk) :

1. kerja keras dengan disertai dengan ketekunan yang tinggi. Orang indonesia umumnya lebih senang dengan kata "Instan" maupun "gratis" bener ga??? di mindset dan etika kita telah ditanamkan budaya "mau cepat kaya secara instan", "maunya gratis melulu..(saya juga sih..hihi)" . tapi kita perlu coba deh mengubah pola pikir kita dengan kerja keras buang jauh-jauh kata-kata "instan" (ngerti kan maksud saya..yang ga ngerti kelaut aje..hihi just kidding) kerja keras dengan disertai ketekunan yang tinggi itulah yang dapat membuat master-master terdahulu sukses.

2. umumnya mereka sukses karena mempunyai beberapa blog sebagai senjatanya. Nah ini yang penting loh, tidak hanya punya blog bahasa indonesia tapi juga blog bahasa inggris (beruntung bagi yang jago bahasa inggris.. :) ). karena pendapatan mereka tidak hanya melalui dalam negeri tetapi juga luar negeri. dan kebanyakan yang menghasilkan lebih besar uang adalah blog berkonten inggris daripada blog berbahasa lokal.. :) (ini rahasia saya dapatkan dari salah satu master blog..hihi)

3. mereka tidak pernah lelah untuk menemukan ide-ide baru dan bereksperimen dengan blognya. kapanpun dan dimanapun, siang malam, mau hujan petir atau hujan gledek..wkwk mereka selalu memikirkan bagaimana menciptakan ide-ide yang kreatif yang dapat membawa mereka kearah kesuksesan.

nah bagaimana dengan anda ??? apakah tetap semangat untuk mendulang uang dari bisnis internet maupun blognya, ataukah menyerah dengan keadaan rasa malas, cape, ga ada waktu,dll ??? potensi diri anda, hanya anda sendiri yang tahu. kalau anda tidak mau menggali potensi anda, bagaimana mau maju..hihihi apa perlu saya yang gali ??? wkwkwkkk.....

Menanti Keturunan

Hari ini tepat 4 tahun sudah aku menikah dengan suamiku, tak terasa waktu begitu cepat berlalu usia pernikahan kami sudah 4 tahun sudah, perasaan baru kemarin kami menjadi raja dan ratu sehari. Ada yang kurang dalam pernikahanku, itu yang kami rasakan selama ini karena kami merasa kami kesepian karena kami sampai saat usia perkawinan kami yg 4 tahun ini belum juga di beri keturunan. Sepertinya Allah SWT belum mempercayai kami untuk mengurus bayi padahal kalau ditanya apakah kami sanggup mengurus dan merawat anak jawaban kami pastilah dengan tegas kami akan menjawab YA. mungkin ya buat kami belum tentu ya buat Nya, bukan begitu? Selama ini kami selalu berusaha dan berdo'a pada - Nya mungkin usahanya kurang dan do'anya juga kurang khusyu. Tapi kami akan terus berdo'a pada - Mu ya Allah dan kami juga tentunya akan selalu berusaha sekuat tenaga sampai Engkau mengabulkan hajat kami.
Kami selalu berusaha terus pernah kami cek ke dokter kata dokternya aku tidak ada masalah apa - apa. Suamiku yang belum pernah cek spermanya. Mudah2an tidak ada masalah dengan spermanya. Dan mudah - mudahan aku juga tidak ada masalah, mudah - mudahan ini hanya masalah waktu saja, amin.
Pengobatan alternatifpun kita jalani, dari refleksi sampe di urut sama tukang urut yang kata orang manjur. Semanjur apapun tukang urut emang takan bisa membuat orang hamil tanpa seijin - Nya. Tiap ada yang bilang harus gini harus gitu biar hamil kami selalu jalani. Tapi mau bilang apa kalau emang belum waktunya.
Kita manusia hanya bisa pasrah dan berdo'a pada yang di atas sana sama dibarengi dengan usaha. Kami tetap akan berusaha sabar dalam menanti kedatangan anak kami. mudah - mudahan Allah segera mempercayakan kami untuk merawat mengurus mendidik anak kami, amin. semoga bulan kemarin bulamn terakhir aku mendapatkan menstruasi, dan 9 bulan lagi menstruasi aku kembali normal, amin.
Ya Allah SWT kami sadar kami sangat sangat banyak dosa sekali pada Mu pada orang tua kami pada keluarga kami pada tetangga - tatangga kami, pada mehluk mahluk ciftaan Mu yang lain, kalau memang karena kami banyak dosa makanya belum diberi keturunan maka ampunilah dosa - dosa kami dari yang sengaja sampai yang tidak di sengaja, dari dosa besar sampai dosa paling kecil sekalipun, ya Allah hanya kepada Mu kami memohon karena kami yakin Engkau maha pemurah Ya Allah karuniailah kami keturunan, amin ya Allah ya Robbal allamin.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Prayer To Get Pregnant

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (sa) said: "If you want to have offspring, perform ablution perfectly, then pray two cycles do well. After prayer and reading Istighfar fell down as much as 71 times, then read the following prayer:

اللهم ارزقني ولدا لأسميه باسم نبيك محمد صلى الله عليه وآله

Bismi Allâhummarzuqnî waladan liusammîhi Muhammadin Nabiyyika `alayhi wa peace âlihi.
O God, grant me the descent, so I can call him by the name of your Prophet Muhammad.
Procedures & Prayer Before Doing intercourse husband and wife:
1. Prayers do urination two cycles.
2. Read surah Al-Ikhlas
3. Read Laa ilaha Illallaah.
4. Reading Bismillaahil 'aliyyil' adzim Allaahummaj'alinuthfata dzurriyatan thayyibatan in kunta qadarta antakhruja dzalika min shulbi.
5. Allaahuma jannibnis syaithana wa jannibisyaithana wa ma razaqtana.
6. When the relationship is going to reach the top (out of sperm) as soon read the prayer Alhamdulillaahiladzi khalaqa basyaran mai minal faja'alahu nasaban wasuhran wakana robbuka qadiran. (Read it enough to just whisper).
7. During intercourse, avoid the direction of Qiblat & close the body with a blanket.

Advice to have children is as follows:
1. Repentance Prayers soon.
2. Istighfar reproduce, especially at dawn and dawn.
3. Prayers urination, Istikharah and Tahajjud.
4. Pray with confidence.
5. Husband and wife apologized to each other and continued to apologize to
families and some people who are often encountered.
6. Reproduce handout / infaq actively. Meaning we
charity by visiting the poor and needy, orphans and
the other orphans.
7. (Sorry) Before intercourse, the husband and wife prayers lavatory
and pray with confidence.
8. Read Letters Yasin every day for not menstruating. Yasin read at any time, when possible. The important thing is sincere, submissive, patient and confident.

Actually there are no special prayers or fasting to obtain offspring (children), Muhammad has led us, when we intend something prayers do lavatory.

There are many prayers to get pregnant quickly, following a prayer that can be read after every prayer fardlu;
1. Read one Asmaul husna (ya mushawwir) as much as 100 X
2. Read some Koranic verses "of the letter of the paragraph maryam 1 through 6
3. Do not forget before you begin by reading the prayer of al fatiha letter addressed to: Muhammad Muhammad and his family and companions, tobiin, scholars', shaikh abdul Qodir Gilani, Muslim Women's League and both parents.

Hopefully with practice in the manner God will give the best results of all our efforts. Aamiin.

Hopefully useful

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


"Powder Fertility"

Kurma Powder 20gr Nakheel Wadi PREMIUM
Price per Unit (piece): Rp120 000.00
Contents: 20 gr

Palm blossom powder believed to work can handle:

* Infertility for the husband and wife
* Adding male hormones and increasing the number and thicken the male sperm
* Adding harmony couples

How to use powdered mix 1botol dates (15-20gr) into 1kg of honey. Drink honey mixed with powdered dates routinely 2x1 tablespoons (recommended before meals)

to get the perfect result, add the mixture sebuk dates, honey, and milk before having sex as below:

1. Take 1 tablespoon honey 100% pure genuine natural
2. Combine 1 teaspoon powdered flower buds dates
3. Stir to mix for ± 3 minutes
4. Enter the water gradually warm / hot whole milk, stirring, stirring until completely flat to
be a concoction ± 30 ml
5. Drink by couples 3 or 4 hours before intercourse
6. Do not forget preceded by a prayer asking only to God alone in earnest. "((وإذا مرضت فهو يشفين))" means: "And when I hurt it is Allah who heals" QS As Su'aara: 80
7. Stay away as far shirk or ask other than Allah SWT

"May God the Almighty to give the dzuriyaat sholeh / sholehah healthy and intelligent"
Article source:

Reaping Virginity tool forger Controversy

* False Dara membrane * Advertised on the Internet
Tool called Artificial Virginity Hymen that serves to restore virginity caused controversy in Egypt, had been circulated in Indonesia. They cost between Rp 165,000 to Rp 300,000 /package.

A total of 100 packages of counterfeiters, who sold her virginity a trader in Jakarta that serves ordering it through the internet tools sold in just three days. Because we were out, for those who want to order a fake hymen which he valued Rp. 700 .000,-, must wait until the next moon.Padahal products Artificial Virginity Hymen had been made by companies in China Gigimo price 30 U.S. dollars, or Rp. 300.000

Tools forger virginity specifically designed to trick him to reap a lot of controversy. China-made tools that are specific to women who are not virgins but want to look like a virgin that was protested by Arab countries.

It was also claimed to help the women who are not virgins and newly married to trick her husband so that thought was still a virgin.

On the website mentioned tool usage instructions, among others, namely:

1. Enter Hymen (the hymen) made into the vagina slowly
2. When couples penetration, Hymen made to be broken and then spend a little liquid similar
too blood
3. Add a little moaning sound, and you'll look like a virgin

That's roughly the instructions recommended by the manufacturer at the women who want to think is still a virgin by the site the couple.Di also written the words following campaigns:

"No need to worry about losing your virginity. With this product, you can get your first night back at any time. When your partner penetration, it will issue a blood-like liquid, but in sufficient quantities. Add a little moans and groans, you will feel something unexpected. Very easy to use, and is clinically proven to be harmful to human skin, no side effects, no pain, and no allergies ".

Related circulation equipment virginity counterfeiters in Indonesia, Dr.Boyke Dian Nugraha, SpOG, MARS, newly admitted to hear. The man known as the sex genekolog and consultants are actually curious to find out what kind of tools that virginity could fool these men.
"Last I read on the internet, he said there is such a tool. I'm just curious what it looks like. Install what? He said just taped. Moreover, he can remove the red liquid as blood virgin, "said Boyke contacted, Friday (16/10) night.
Boyke said that if the goods are circulated in Indonesia, he believes the tool would be a false virginity behavior. Why?
"Because of the Indonesian man, 70 to 80 percent of hypocrisy. They always want a virgin partner, whereas men are not necessarily a virgin, "said Boyke.

Consumer tools fake virginity, according to Boyke, would be dominated by commercial sex workers. In fact, the instrument will also be the ultimate weapon for sex workers to wash filthy lucre from the guest.

"Men would be willing to spend millions of dollars because there is a myth sex with a virgin will add youth and can add excitement. Therefore, this tool can be used instead instead of commercial sex workers to fool guests. "
Boyke further tells us, for this medically hymen surgery can make someone a virgin.

"Operation hymen also done a lot, but it is usually done by a rape victim or a parent requests the child to free association," he said.
Rate hymen operations, said Boyke, usually only in the range of USD 1-2 million for women victims of rape. But to the public around Rp. 3-4 million.

Circulation of many tools that are marketed in the Middle East that directly led to controversy. The observers in the country that are still taboo about sex before marriage is concerned with sexual deviation made these tools.

The conservative and law-makers in Egypt also directly prohibits the circulation of such equipment, even to threaten to alienate women in the country if caught using these tools.

"It would be shameful if such equipment to be imported and marketed by a civilized country. This product will trigger a forbidden sexual intercourse. It brings more harm than good," said Sayed Askar, a member of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, as quoted by Sexy, Tuesday (13/10/2009).

Although some people believe that the discharge of blood from the hymen is a sign of a virgin woman, but it's not quite true. "The bleeding is not the only sign to know she was a virgin or not," said Heba Kotb, a Muslim woman observer in Egypt.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

get pregnant

How to Get Pregnant

  • Getting pregnant seems like it should be easy, but sometimes it takes longer and is more difficult than you'd expect. On top of proper timing, there are also a few important practices that will significantly boost your odds of conceiving. The information on this page will walk you through all of the best ways to help you achieve pregnancy